Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jeremy Rabe FYI Guy loves Celine Dion!


We are reaching out to Jeremy's VIP fans and asking for your help.  Because of you and your support Jeremy and the FYI GUY LIVE show is gaining traction.  He sincerely loves each and everyone one of you for your support.

As you know Jeremy's biggest dream is to connect with Celine Dion.  Jeremy has put together a video that we hope can reach her or her staff.  We believe that If this video spreads across the Social Media wires it will be seen by those close to Celine.

So, please take just a minute to go to the FYI GUY Facebook page and share Jeremy's Celine Dion video post. 

We are trying to share it every where, so Post it on Facebook, Tweet it, share it on YouTube.  Then sit back with us and watch our message spread to Celine!

Celine Dion - A Valentine from FYI GUY Jeremy Rabe

Thank you for your continued love and support for Jeremy and the FYI GUY Show.

The FYI GUY Production Team