Have you ever heard of little Debbie cookie dough? Neither had I until I accidentally made it this afternoon! Turns out a LOT of people knew this, but since I didn't thought maybe you hadn't either so I am posting it here. :)
Pick up a Box of little Debbie brownies. It can be Christmas brownies or regular it doesn't make any difference.
Now you don't want to just try to cut them out because usually they're too thick for a cookie cutter and they will stick even if you spray it. Squash them up and roll it into a ball, it will feel similar to cake pops, just a bit drier.
Then dust your surface you're going to roll it out on with powdered sugar and simply press the little Debbie dough flat. You can just use your hands.
Then you don't even have to spray your cookie cutter, just dust the top of the dough with powdered sugar too and press away with your cookie cutters. I had no trouble with it releasing easily.
That's it and I can tell you I'm going to be using little Debbie dough for a lot of projects! That is if I can keep from eating it! 🍪
I've bet there's a lot of things you can do this with. Use your imagination! Be sure and share your hacks in the comments below!
It's all fun and games until someone comes up with an idea! Then it is ez4u2do!